

Lymph uses events to communicate between various services. For this, RabbitMQ is currently used to do the event passing. Services can emit events and subscribe to the queue to consume events.

The way events are communicated is pluggable and can be easily exchanged at will. The unittests for instance are using a local event system LocalEventSystem to not rely on RabbitMQ.

Other event brokers

Lymph allows other event brokers to be easily incorporated. Lymph also provides the following additional event broker services:

  • Null (a black hole)
  • Local (simple event broker that runs in the scope of the main lymph process)
  • Kombu (interfaces to RabbitMQ as a broker using the kombu library)

The event broker service can be set in the .lymph.yml configuration file:

        transport: amqp

See Event Configuration for details.

Subscribing to events

In order to have methods executed whenever a given event is emitted, you decorate the function with the event decorator.

Parameters:event_types – may contain wildcards (# matching zero or more words and * matches one word), e.g. 'subject.*'

Marks the decorated interface method as an event handler. The service container will automatically subscribe to given event_types.

import lymph

class Example(lymph.Interface):
    def on_task_done(self, event):
        assert isinstance(event,

A new queue will be created for every service name and event handler combination.

Dynamically subscribing to events

Subscribing to events using the event decorator only works at service instantiation time. If you need to subscribe to events at runtime, you need to use the subscribe decorator:

@subscribe(*event_types, sequential=True)

Behaves like lymph.event(), but can be used at runtime

class Example(lymph.Service):
    def on_start(self):
        def on_event(event):
            assert isinstance(event,

Emitting events

The lymph.Interface provides a method for emitting events.

lymph.Interface.emit(self, event_type, payload)
  • event_type – name of the event
  • payload – a dict of serializable data structures

A simple example of a class emitting a signal with a simple event would be:

class SomeClass(lymph.Interface):
        def emit_event(self):
                self.emit('simple_event', {'article': 'foo', 'quantity': 5})

Command line interface

To interact with the event system from the command line, the following commands are available:

$ lymph subscribe


$ lymph emit

lymph subscribe

With this command, you can register to a specific event and have all events printed out on stdout.

For the default example services, this might be:

$ lymph subscribe uppercase_transform_finished
uppercase_transform_finished: {'text': u'foo_282'}
uppercase_transform_finished: {'text': u'foo_283'}
uppercase_transform_finished: {'text': u'foo_284'}

This lists all the events sent to uppercase_transform_finished produced by the demo loop which calls the echo service. Each line represents an individual event, stating its name and its payload.

You can also subscribe to multiple events at once:

$ lymph subscribe event_a event_b
event_a: {u'data': u'nice'}
event_b: {u'information': u'data'}

lymph emit

With this command, you can manually emit a specific event from the command line. You need to specify the name of the event and provide a JSON encoded body.

For the default example services, this might be:

$ lymph emit uppercase_transform_finished '{"text": "bar_foo_234"}'

This would emit an event with the name uppercase_transform_finished with the given payload to any service that is listening to this event. We can inspect the events sent through the system with the lymph subscribe command in another terminal:

$ lymph subscribe uppercase_transform_finished
uppercase_transform_finished: {'text': u'foo_2629'}
uppercase_transform_finished: {'text': u'foo_2630'}
uppercase_transform_finished: {u'text': u'bar_foo_234'}
uppercase_transform_finished: {'text': u'foo_2631'}

We can see that the event has been routed to the instance along with all the other events from the demo loop.