
Synchronous communication with lymph services is realised through RPC. RPC messages are sent via ØMQ. If a RPC call fails, it is the responsibility of the calling code to deal with it.

Registering methods as RPC callable

Any class inheriting from lymph.Interface can receive RPC calls. By specifying the name argument when initializing the class, the lymph service will be reachable through its interface name name.

By default the service is registered under the name given when you configure the service.

import lymph

class EchoService(lymph.Interface):
        class: project.interfaces:EchoService

will be reachable with the service name echo. This is the name with which lymph knows that the RPC messages should be sent to EchoService.

In order to make a method in a lymph interface class RPC callable, it is sufficient to add the @lymph.rpc() (or @lymph.raw_rpc() for accessing the channel object) decorator in front of it.


Marks the decorated interface method as an RPC method.

import lymph

class Example(lymph.Interface):
    def do_ack(self, channel, message):
        assert isinstance(channel, lymph.core.channels.ReplyChannel)
        assert isinstance(message, lymph.core.messages.Message)

   def echo(self, message):
       return message

If a docstring is specified after the RPC method definition, it will be used as a description of the service and will be returned by lymph inspect.

Difference between lymph.rpc and lymph.raw_rpc


The lymph.rpc() decorator is easier to understand compared to lymph.raw_rpc() since the former work as any Python function where what ever the RPC function return will be sent to the caller, as for exceptions there is two cases depending on the raises argument of lymph.rpc() :

  • If the exception raised inside the RPC function is an instance of a class that is part of the raises argument then the client will see a RemoteError.
  • Else the result will be a NACK.


When lymph.raw_rpc() is used the underlying method call has to have the following form:

def some_rpc_method(self, channel, **kwargs):

The channel argument takes a lymph.ReplyChannel object which takes care of the communication from and to the RPC caller. From within the responding method, you communicate through the channel object with the calling party. The ReplyChannel object provides you with the following methods:

Parameters:body – reply

sends body as a reply back to the caller

import lymph

class EchoService(lymph.Interface):

    def echo(self, channel, text=None):
Parameters:unless_reply_sent – only send the acknowledgment if a reply has already been sent

sends an acknowledgment to the caller.

Parameters:unless_reply_sent – only send the non-acknowledgment if a reply has already been sent

sends a non-acknowledgment to the caller.

Parameters:body – error

sends an error to the caller.

Sending RPC calls

In order to send RPC calls from within lymph services, you need to pass the call through the proxy class. You can obtain the system’s proxy by calling the proxy method:


returns a proxy object that can be used to conveniently send requests to another service.

echo = self.proxy('echo')
result = echo.upper(text='foo')
assert result == 'FOO'

This is equivalent to self.request('echo', 'echo.upper', text='foo').

The proxy object proxies any method that is called in the proxy class, into a corresponding RPC call. It does not however make sure, that the RPC call actually exists. It will send the call regardless of availability and timeout accordingly if no response is obtained.

Any value that is returned by the RPC call is also returned by the call to the corresponding proxy method. In the example above, the service with the name echo provides the upper(text) endpoint. By calling the corresponding proxy method in the proxy object, the payload text='foo' is sent to the endpoint and its result returned and saved in the result variable.

RPC calls are synchronous, i.e. program execution is halted until the RPC call returns an answer or it times out. If you require asynchronous communication, please refer to Events.

Deferred RPC calls

By default, RPC blocks until the response is received. A deferred RPC call mechanism is available if you wish to consume the RPC response later, or simply ingore it.

The call interface is similar to making a regular RPC call, with the addition of adding .defer call after it.

In that case, the call will return a Future (the actual implementation is a gevent AsyncResult which will block only when it’s .get method is called.

For instance:

echo = self.proxy('echo')
result_future = echo.upper.defer(text='foo')
# do other stuff
result = result_future.get()
assert result == 'FOO'